I saw rock legend Neil Young at EnterTRAINment Junction! Well, not in person, but I saw his photo alongside the big train display he donated.
Sheila here.
Sheila here.

EnterTRAINment Junction is 25,000 square feet of a train lover's dream. It's a real history lesson to walk through time, seeing how trains have helped to build our country. Of course, Eric and Christopher just ran through that part of the Junction, hooting and hollering about things they spotted, and only taking time to stop when they wanted to push the buttons to make the trains move, cows moo, or church bells ring. Two miles of track are busy with steam engines, passenger trains, and diesel locomotives. Everywhere you look, there are trains, tiny people, and right now, little Santa Claus figures all over the place. You can't look at it the same way twice.
EnterTRAINment Junction also added a funhouse earlier this year, and Chris and Eric scared us to death when they ran into Curtain Chaos -- it's a maze of red and white curtains -- and the boys almost disappeared on us! We found them, and the four of us laughed our heads off, running into walls and plowing through the curtains. The A-Maze-N Funhouse also boasts a Mirror Maze, which is one of the largest of its kind in North America, an Ames Room, where the boys seemed to grow or shrink by walking across the room, and the Outer Limits: Journey Through the Black Hole. It includes a spinning vortex tunnel that'll make you feel like you can't stay on your feet, along with a room full of glowing planets.