Good Friday Morning! Dan Wells writing. This morning I'm stealing from my wife's blog...because it cracked me up and I'm sure you parents out there can relate. Lawyers, they know what they want. They fight hard to get it. They argue for a living. This is the new stage that my young daughter is currently in. At her annual check-up a few weeks ago, our pediatrician placed this perfect label on her back. He said that is what he calls this age group and I couldn't agree more. I say "I love your dress" she says..."No, you don't." I say "We're going to a friend’s house to play today!" she says..."No we're not."I say "Aren't these cookies delicious?" she says..."No, they're not."
It's pretty annoying after awhile, but also pretty darn funny. I could tell her I'm going to buy her a huge princess castle and she would tell me I'm not. God love her. Happy Parenting!
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