Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Little Things In Life

I gave myself a little birthday gift. I got my nails done.

Sheila here.

It may not sound like much, but I haven't worn nail polish for nearly four years.

A couple of weeks after we brought my son Eric home from the hospital, my daughter Katie, who was 13 at the time, remarked, "You have no life anymore!"

She wasn't EXACTLY right. I just didn't have the SAME life anymore. None of us did. If you have kids, you know why. The first months of having a baby mean giving up life as you know it. All of your time is spent taking care of a NEW life, giving up things like time with friends, trips out of town, and yes, getting your nails done.

Sure, I could've found time during the last three and a half years to go get a manicure, but I didn't really want to. I don't like to give up precious moments with my family, and not a day goes by when I think that Eric won't be a little guy like this for very long. In the blink of an eye, Katie grew into a young woman of 17 years. Instead of indulging myself in little things like getting my nails done, I have focused on other little things like watching my kids take their first steps, learn to ride a bike, playing on the floor with Woody and Buzz, and now in Katie's case, just sitting in the kitchen and catching up on the drama at school.

But a few weeks ago, I went to the salon and got a french manicure for an event, and now I am hooked on this little luxury. I find I can fit it in while Eric is napping, and it really does feel like I am being pampered to sit in the chair, clear my mind, and just enjoy the hand massage and polish.

It's a little thing, but the little things are what make me truly happy.

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