It was a early good morning for us here at FOX19 as we premiered the FOX19 First Weather At 4am. Marzullo here and if your a early riser we have you covered! Meteorologist Katy Morgan and I are committed to make sure your prepared for what is in store for your day ahead here locally. We spend 30 minutes letting you know what is happening right now, later today, and what the weather will be like across the nation if you have travel plans. The nice thing about having a entire show dedicated to weather is that we can actually take you into more neighborhoods and communities to show you daytime highs and current conditions where you live. We also have time to actually explain what is happening instead of just telling you, through Chief Meteorologist Steve Horstmeyer and his Inside The Forecast segment, to answering your questions on FACEBOOK. So if you want a refreshing way to start your day that is LOCAL and FIRST then join us each morning at 4am.
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