I’m talking of course about Magic Mike! Katy and I were lucky enough to get a sneak peak of the “film” Wednesday night at Newport on the Levee. The theatre was packed with eager ladies dying for a peak of Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, or my favorite, Joe Manganiello.
Well let me tell you, you get a lot more than just a peak. If you’re a little squeamish when it comes to nudity, I would advise against this movie. If you’re looking for a fun girls night out this weekend and don’t mind seeing a few actors’ assets, than this is for you.
But what was most shocking to me was the plot. There was one! Admittedly, I had pretty low expectations going into this movie, but there was a good deal of character development, suspense, and romance. Hey, it’s not going to win any Oscars, but it will keep you entertained even when the characters aren’t wearing their sparkly costumes (but isn’t that the point J?).
But seriously, this is a decent film about men finding their way and meaning in their young lives. But if you’re more interested in seeing a very masculine rendition of “It’s Raining Men” featuring umbrellas and little else…there’s that too.
Enjoy the weekend!
- Stephanie
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