Tuesday, January 4, 2011

11th in 11

Let me explain the cryptic title of my blog.
Good Tuesday morning. Rob here.
I have decided to run my 11th marathon in 2011.

I actually started training on New Year's Day. How's that for commitment. I actually had fun because I'm not doing it alone. Once again I have enlisted the help of Bob Roncker's Running Group. It was a short run. 5 miles around Hyde Park and Mt. Lookout. A great way to start the new year and a new marathon training schedule.

It is also very inspiring to see the dozens of people who decided to tackle the challenge of a marathon in the new year. Some of whom have run plenty of marathons. Others who have barely run their entire lives. The first day is so hopeful. It's like Reds Opening Day. Hopeful. There are no injuries. Life hasn't gotten in the way yet. Miles of running haven't made you bitter and asking, "Why am I doing this?" And.. "I should have kept my big mouth shut and not told my family and friends."

Actually, Roncker's Running Group will help you get over all those hurdles and many many more. Most of the other runners are strangers, but there are few things unifying as a common goal and shared experiences. If you have ever thought of training for a marathon check out Roncker's. It helps. Most importantly, don't be intimidated. They're fun people and make the grueling training as fun as possible. Which many times isn't all that much fun. Happy New Year! Good luck in 2011 no matter what you resolve to accomplish.

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