Monday, May 16, 2011

Recess In The Stadium

It was a weekend of dodging rain drops and that is actually what we did on Saturday, during the 2nd annual Recess In The Stadium. Good Morning Everyone, Marzullo Here...The American Heart Association, Children's Hospital, and The Cincinnati Bengals worked together to promote healthy lifestyles and fitness in children. This year over a 400 kids registered to run on the field and get there bodies moving at Paul Brown Stadium. Here are some thoughts, one out of three kids and teens are overweight and obese in our country, in fact since 1963 that number has nearly triples. If we as parents are not vigilant in getting kids active it could lead to serious health problems including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. So let's all be responsible in lifestyle choices, of course a little candy and sweets from time to time never hurt anyone but being smart and active is important.

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