Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yummy Goodness

Good morning, Sara Celi here.

I love to travel. This is no secret.

I also love to eat. It's a love affair I've romanced for years, sometimes to my peril, but lately with control.

Lately and for a number of reasons, I've been spending a lot of my weekends in sunny SoCal with my husband, Sean.

It's been a nice break from the cold and wintry Midwest.

It's also given me a chance to see some of the nooks and crannies that make up the area, and a chance to see there is so much more to Los Angeles than Hollywood.

Often, this discovery involves food. In LA, there is a lot of that.

On my last visit Valentine's weekend, I stumbled on the promised land.

It happened on the Redondo Riviera, a fabled section of Redondo Beach, just two blocks from the Pacific.

You can tell by the attached photo that what I found was gelato, at the shop 22 Degrees.

Friends, we are not talking about just any gelato.

This gelato is not only made in the correct Italian way (with a smoothness that is oh so hard to replicate), it's also sold to you with full calorie information.

Nothing is held back.

Want to know how much fiber is in a serving? Got it. How many calories? No problem. If the gelato's gluten free? Not an issue.

As I looked at the 20 or so delectable selections, I saw it-- a little number I thought I recognized.

"What does the 3 mean?" I asked the clerk,but sure I already knew.

"That's for the people who are on Weight Watchers,"she said.

I couldn't believe it. That, friends, is when I took this picture.

You may not believe it, but Weight Watchers has helped me lose 37 pounds,

I am pretty open about it. I'm proud of myself. I made a decision in August 2007 to get healthy, and I have managed to do it. The real challenge comes in sticking to it.

At 22 Degrees on a February afternoon, I didn't have to worry about how a treat might affect my points for the day. I had the answer right in front of me.

My only question is, when can we get one in Cincinnati?

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