That is right I am getting a shot at anchoring the news along with Sheila Gray from 5:30 to 9am. Now the plan is for me to continue in for Rob through Wednesday, that is if I do not get a sweating attack and start talking jibberish. Now, being in front of the camera is nothing new for me, but this is somewhat different. I mean at 3:15am a town car picked me up at my house, I had the newspaper on the back seat, I had coffee, and a english muffin waiting for me. ( Oh wait that part is not true it's not 1985 anymore )
So, When I do the weather it is all of the top of my head and it is not scripted, so when you flub up or stumble you can naturally correct yourself. However, a lot more go
So I am trying to be witty and creative with this mornings blog post, but to be frank with you, I am a little nervous for the first time in a long time. I know after the first hour I will be fine, but still it's exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. So tune in and let's see how this goes my the way Pat Barry is talking about a much more comfortable day.
Frank, I think you did a great job in the anchor chair.