Second: My dog Benson is in the studio this morning with me, and he only had one accident, which I quickly cleaned up. Of course when he came into the studio early this morning he was bit on the jumpy side because of all the new people he met, but quickly calmed down. He likes to jump on Meghan,
she is not a big fan of that, however she has said to me numerous times this morning he is much better than when she comes over my house for dinner. He is here for a special segment we are doing on doggy fashions, this is in conjunction with a article in Cincinnati Magazine this month. He already made a special appearance at 5:45am and is now resting comfortably in our assistant news directors office. While he ran around the studio for a good hour he was silent and did not bark, but I was afraid he would break into a barking spell during
the news so he is upstairs now.
However, I want to push to have him as the official Storm Tracker FOX19 Doppler Dog! What do you think? Some stations in the country do have weather dogs, plus he will be a great cheap addition to the team. He can travel with me to schools to teach the youngsters about the weather. We could even sale advertising to dog food and pet supply companies, ideas are endless!! hahaha A tv consultant once told me the more video of children and cute dogs the better. I know it will not happen but as Rob Williams likes to say, "Frank likes to stir the pot, there he goes again." LOL Anyway it's been fun having Benson as the Weather Dog at least for one day. Enjoy the sunshine and a high near 80 today. Click here to watch Benson and his dog friends: http://www.fox19.com/global/Category.asp?C=151146&clipId=&topVideoCatNo=15048&topVideoCatNoB=109491&topVideoCatNoC=104760&topVideoCatNoD=141804&topVideoCatNoE=142722&clipId=4668401&topVideoCatNo=106645&autoStart=true
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