Sunday evening I had a chance to spend time with a great group of people in the Gas Light District, at Aquarius Star Cafe, all to bring awareness for a wonderful cause. A gathering of 20 some got together over hummus and a chat with Johnathon Stalls and learn about his mission to raise awareness for a organization called Kiva. Johnathon is walking across the country on a journey that started March 1st in Delaware and will eventually end in California. Kiva is a organization that empowers individuals to lo
an money to entrepreneurs across the globe in poverty stricken areas. It works by combining microfinance with the internet. Microfinance is defined as a loan that empowers individuals in order to participate in their community. In short lets say someone loans 25 dollars, that money is then used and paid back, you can keep it in your account and it will continue to get recycled and paid back. It's a constant positive cycle that helps those in need and gives opportunity to those less fortunate. The value of Kiva loans has reached up to $131,840,735, and the great part is that the loan repayment rate is 98.56% .

Johnathon and Kanoa are now on there way through Kentucky and Indiana and will continue to make there way west, you can follow his journey here at http://www.kivawalk.com/.
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