We are in the heart of SEVERE WEATHER SEASON here in the Tri-State and your Storm Tracker Weather Team is working to keep you informed when it comes to tracking storms. It's our mission here at FOX19 To Keep You Safe, and it's not just a saying that some consultant told us to use, it's a commitment to you. We hope we can provide you with new information you can use in your everyday life. This week we have two very unique ways to inform you both On-Air, Online, and in person.
irst: Tonight at 6pm, Steve Horstmeyer kicks off our Severe Weather Series, Keeping You Save. Steve will look at the challenges that local meteorologist face when predicting severe weather and determining if a WARNING is necessary. The National Weather Service is responsible for issuing the WARNINGS but what criteria do they use when making that determination, Steve examines this issue tonight on the FOX19 Evening News at 6pm.

Our series continues Wednesday night at 6pm, when you hear the sirens that
means a tornado warning has been issued for your neighborhood, correct? The answer surprisingly is no, in some communities. Our Pat Barry addresses this confusing policy and asks if we should have a standard policy so everyone is on the same page, Wednesday night on the FOX19 Evening News at 6pm.

Then Thurs
day at 6pm, We all remember what to do during a Tornado Warning, but it's always a good idea to refresh our skills. I'll walk you through step by step and help you come up with a Severe Weather Safety Plan, for your family. If we can reduce the anxiety levels of your children then severe weather may not seem so scary to them. Check out my link on our Weather Web page that will tie in to my story Thursday night. Click Here: http://www.fox19.com/Global/story.asp?S=12416073

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