What a wet weekend, but no matter if you ran the Flying Pig or if your kids had baseball or soccer, chances are you got your outdoor fitness in, but probably are a bit soggy this morning. I spent the weekend up in Cleveland at my mom and dads, I wanted to spend a early mothers day with mom, because I will not make it home this coming weekend. In addition to some family bonding I spent Saturday as Coach Marzullo! I think coach is stretching it a bit, but I kinda of want to sound important!! My best friend from High School, Inger and her husband Paulo, have two of the cutest kids ever, Coo
per and Sullivan. There son Cooper is 4 years old and he calls me Uncle Frank, he also calls me Chio Frank, he is bilingual at 4 speaking his fathers native language of Portuguese. I am kinda of jealous of the kid, because it took me two trys to pass Spanish 2 at the college level!! Anyway, his father is his soccer coach and I was able to assit on Saturday morning. Now mind you the kids are only 4 so it basically is a chance for them to be active and learn to work as a team, the bottom line is that they do not keep score. However, I still wanted a win, so I had the kids run 60 laps around the field, drop and give me 50 push ups, and 300 jumping jacks. I then told them if they did not score 4 or more points then no after game snack!! JUST KIDDING OF COURSE!! We actually had a good snack afterwards, went to Brio for some pasta!! It was fun to watch my buddy Cooper and his friends run up and down the field it reminded me of the days of when I played soccer as a child. However, once I got down to one end of the field the entire team was running the other direction, so I would get tired pretty quickly and for some reason my uniform was never dirty!!
Have A Great Day
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