Sheila here, and I think the older we get, the more we can see which girlfriends are good for us. Having my second child made me realize that I can't have as many relationships as I used to, at least not if I want to have quality relationships. When you're young, you travel in packs. When you get older, you look for some meaning.

I have found meaning in my renewed friendship with my girlfriend Amanda. We were friends years ago when we lived in the same town, but like a lot of friends do, we drifted apart for awhile. It just happens sometimes, but we drifted back together last year when my husband Ric and I took a trip to the city where we met, Charleston, West Virginia.
You know a person is a good friend when you can pick up a conversation where you left off, even if there are many years and miles in between. The cool thing about girlfriends like Amanda is, they get you. By that I guess I mean women look at life in the same way. With the right girlfriend, you don't have to be on guard because you know she won't judge you, you feel valued because she asks for your opinion and listens to it.
I have faith that life will always give me what I need, and now that Amanda's back, I know I needed her. Not because anything was lacking, just because she brings a perspective and a positive energy that I'm really enjoying.
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